Say Cheese!

Your oral health is an essential part of your total well-being and when you smile your teeth can say a lot about your overall health.

All my self care rituals are based around preserving my body and keeping it in tip-top shape. One of my goals is to maintain and preserve my teeth. Here are some practices to help you do the same.

Floss twice a day, brush with a soft toothbrush three times a day and scrape your tongue once a day, in the morning. Tongue scraping is a way of removing harmful bacteria that builds up overnight and can lead to inflammation of your gums. As a bonus it will give you fresher breath and improve your sense of taste. (What's a tongue scraper? See below).

For an awesome gum massage, use a waterpik daily or a few times a week. It's a gentle, thorough way of loosening debris from in between teeth and at the gum line. I like to use warm water, it feels so good.

To keep them sparkly white use whitening strips with an LED light 2-3 times a year. The light will improve the effectiveness of the whitening agent while balancing your mouth flora.

Beside your daily routine set aside one morning a week to show your teeth some extra love. Start with a gentle scaling of your teeth to scrape away tarter and plaque at the gum line and in those hard to reach places like behind your back molars. Go easy with this, it's just supplemental to a professional cleaning. Follow this with a rinse using your water pick. Next, brush with activated charcoal tooth powder. It removes pigments and stains from your teeth because it's highly absorbent and helps get rid of bacteria and toxins in the mouth. When your done you'll feel so good about taking care of yourself.

Finally and most importantly, don't forget to get a professional cleaning 2-3 times a year. It is helpful to have a reliable and trustworthy relationship with your dentist and hygienist. Find a professional that you have confidence in and one that you trust. Here's my favorite, shout-out to Dr. G at

And look, Vogue agrees "Why Good Oral Care is Good Self care."

Tongue scraper, charcoal tooth powder, LED light -

Waterpik -


Do this right now to live a long and healthy life.


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