Change Your Story, Change Your Life.

You do it every day, and it's messing with your life.

You're telling yourself the same bad stories day in and day out…“It's too hard to get fit. It's too expensive to eat healthy. I've tried living a healthy life and I could never stick with it.”
Ask yourself, Is my story getting in the way of me reaching my goals and living the life I want to live? Or am I comfortable with my story? Does my story make it easier to accept why I’m not living a healthy lifestyle?

Somewhere along the line you may have latched onto some fears and preconceptions and they may be holding you back. Plus the truth is, rewriting your story could be daunting, unpredictable and it may require some work. But you can change your story if you want.

You are the author of your story. Maybe Instead of, “it’s too expensive to eat healthy” it becomes, “it’s too expensive to be sick”. Doctor bills, prescriptions, and hospital stays add up and are way more expensive than organic produce. This new story is more likely to initiate positive change.

Think of all the successful people you admire. The ones that have had great achievements in their lifetime. They all have powerful stories. They would never have reached their goals with limiting stories, built on past obstacles, fears and doubt.

As the author of your story, write a great new one that breaks through any limiting beliefs and then go live it.

If you need help transforming your life to a healthier one reach out

I would love to hear your story.

- Lisa Greco


What Does it Mean to be Fit?


You Can’t Exercise Your Way to Weight Loss.